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Safety Tips for Seniors during Summer

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Summer Safety Tips

Our senior loved ones are prone to dehydration and heatstroke during the summer. They are at-risk individuals who need special care when the temperature starts to shoot up. In many cases, drinking fluids is not just enough to fight off the heat, so, as your care providers, we have listed some tips so that you will know how to keep your loved ones comfortable and safe despite the hot weather.

  1. Yes, drink water. Drinking water may not be enough, but it is important. Help your loved one increase their fluid intake to help them replace what’s lost through sweating during a hot day.
  2. Convince them to stay indoors. Prepare in-door activities that will require little movement.
  3. Close down the windows and put down the blinds to avoid direct contact with the sun.
  4. Let them wear clothes that are light-colored and made from light materials. Refrain them from doing rigorous activities that will make your senior loved one sweat.
  5. Prepare foods that are rich in water like watermelon, celery, and cucumbers among others. This way, you are fighting off dehydration while serving them healthy options.

Be smart in dealing with the heat and always choose your loved one’ safety first. Enjoy the rest of the summer!

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